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What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of code or information which are stored in the memory of your browser. They are specific to our web site and they are being used for various technical requirements, such as storing your user preferences, your current state of browsing and more.

Cookies are safe!

The nature of cookies is very specific. Cookies are stored specifically for a given web site. Your browser will never provide the contents of the cookies to any server other than the one which provided them in the first place.
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You can actually view the cookies in your browser by selecting them from your menu in the privacy section (each browser stores it differently). It's no great fun because most of them will be meaningless for you and actually, you should not be worried about them anyway.

We maintain your privacy!

We NEVER read the contents of your cookies. They are purely for technical use and they are transparently exchanged between our web server and your browser.

You agree to the use of cookies!

Purely for technical reasons which are beyond the scope of this article, we MUST use cookies. Our web site cannot operate without them.
By continuing to use our web site https://beautiful-spirit.com you hereby provide your consent for the use of cookies.




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