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Our life Mission: To provide, to assist and inspire around us a life based on love.

Who are we?

We are twin souls and a couple for life. For well over a decade we are facilitators and mentors on the spiritual path to a better life. We believe every person has the option of navigating their life conduct, controlling it and routing it towards any chosen goal. This way is both spiritual and practical. It is based mainly on commitment of one towards oneself and on total personal responsibility. It is the understanding and manifestation that every situation one currently experiences is a result of choices they made in the past. Therefore, every choice they make now, be it aware or not, determines their course of life in the near or far future. This acknowledgment provides one with mighty power and effectiveness and enables one to fully utilize their inner potential.

We teach people to live a life of freedom and liberation, of awareness, of serenity and meditation, of breaking boundaries with awareness and of a consolidation between all four aspects of human life (physical, emotional/social, mental and spiritual) into one holistic being.

Along those years where we lead many people on their path, a community was created around us. It is a loving community made of circles of like minded people. This community supports us and we support it. The reciprocal relations that were formed provide us with a source of joy and power.

Why have we established Beautiful Spirit?

Along those years of our work, we accumulated experience in using various aids for the spiritual path. Those may be various atmosphere producing items such as clothing, decorations, fabrics etc. or items that help with energetic, meditative work like crystals, symbols, incense, various musical instruments and more.

The great understanding in our relationship with our community is that of mutual co-creation, of a bi-directional positive energy flow. We nurture the community and the community nurtures us, both physically and on the social emotional and spiritual planes.
We realized that when we share with those around us anything we have, we will enrich their lives, empower them and thus also contribute to our own personal and professional empowerment and expansion.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Joy never decreases by being shared. Gautam Buddha.

It began from searching various items for our sacred work space.
We never compromise on quality. We conducted searches for the best we can obtain.
When we found, we chose to import a larger quantity to share with those who are close to us. The responses were enthusiastic.
It did not take us long to understand that there is a need that should be met. We established the concept of Beautiful Spirit which is not just a sales site but really a home that meets various customer requirements.

Contributing to Global Community.

The contribution is not only to our local community. Distant communities benefit from our work. Many items you can find on our site are being produced by indigenous tribal people, e.g. in the Amazons, India, Tibet and Africa. When you purchase these items, you support these people not only in making a living, but also in successfully maintaining their ancient traditions.

Our life and work are principle based.

When you browse through this site and place your orders, know you can safely do so.
Not only because the site is safe and secure (and it IS completely safe and secure in the most advanced current standards), but mainly since we live with integrity. We adhere to our mission statement, our principles of life, and they are clearly written. It does not leave much space for mistakes.
You are invited to read our Mission Statement and understand what we talk about.

We are sincerely filled with gratitude!

We are sincerely grateful for that wonderful opportunity of being there for everyone who needs us. To be here for you.
Thank you for visiting. Thank you for reading so far and thank you for your presence whether as purchasing customers or as random visitors. This presence is a contribution.

We bless you with the traditional blessing, common in the far East, that we believe in with all our hearts:

I see, acknowledge and admire the divine within you and myself.






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